How to Become an Influencer in 2021


Influencer marketing is a hot topic that every brand is discussing. Brands are willing to collaborate with influencers to reach a new audience and increase conversion.

Being an influencer has become so rewarding that everyone wants to be one in their respective domains. But what matters is the no. of followers of the influencers, the quality of engagement they generate by sharing their content, and many other factors. The audience on social media consider influencers as experts and looks forward to them seeking advice. Therefore, building and retaining a community of loyal followers isn’t simple.

But no worries! In this post, we will discuss the step-by-step process of how to become an influencer. So, let’s start on your path to becoming an influencer.


7 Steps to Becoming a Social Media Influencer:

  1. Select Your Niche

  2. Optimize Your Social Media Profiles.

  3. Understand Your Audience

  4. Create and Post Relevant Content

  5. Be Regular and Consistent

  6. Engage with your audience.

  7. Earn money as an Influencer


1) Select your Niche: 

It is important to pick your niche that aligns with your personality. Evaluating your strengths and weaknesses is an easy way to select your niche because it allows you to showcase your strengths, hone your skills further, simplify your audience, and organize your content according to their preferences. Hence, it is important to choose something you’re passionate about and will enjoy spending your time on. 

Moreover, you should have some basic understanding of creating content w.r.t the niche you choose. You will have to do some research and post content in your chosen interest area accordingly.

When deciding on how to become an influencer, you can choose among the various categories like Travel, Lifestyle, Fashion, Food, Beauty, Sports, and others.

Also, remember that you are not obliged to select only one category, you are free to choose two or more categories by ensuring that your individual niches align with each other. For example, you can combine fitness and sports or food and travel or others.

Remember, the key to becoming a social media influencer is adding your unique touch to everything you do. So, don’t hesitate to experiment and carve your own niche that allows you to exhibit your strengths as well as your quirks.

It’s great! if you have figured out which is your niche by this point, you are doing well. Please continue reading for more tips to become an Influencer.

And for those who are still confused about your knowing what interests you the most and need some inspiration. You can read our blogs on our ranking influencers below:


2) Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

As soon as you choose your niche it’s important to figure out on which social media you want to become an influencer it could be Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or others. Once you get used to managing your work you can look forward to becoming an influencer on two or more social media platforms. We recommend focusing on only 1-2 platforms in the beginning. 

Once you have selected your social media platforms, you need to either create new profiles or optimize your existing profiles. Here are some of the things you can do to optimize your profiles:

  •  Switch to a Business Account

If you want to become an influencer, it is very important to have a business account because it opens up a lot more options. If you have an exiting personal account simply switch your present account to a business account. Most social media platforms have an option to create a business account in the profile settings.

  •  Create an Engaging Bio

Your bio or the about section makes the first impression about you when someone visits your profile. Your bio should be able to tell about your work in an engaging manner. It should also provide all the necessary information about you like your full name, contact details, location, and areas of expertise. 

  •  Add a Profile Photo and Cover Photo

People often recognize a social media profile by its profile picture therefore it is important for it to be of good quality and clearly visible. The cover photo is an important component that helps you to depict your personal brand identity hence make sure you design it uniquely well.


3) Understand Your Audience

To build a strong connection with your audience, it’s important to understand them well. It is important to know who you are targeting to build a loyal audience because the audience doesn’t engage with every influencer on social media but only those who share the same interests.  

Analyzing your audience using a business account becomes much easier, it gives you insights into their demographics and interests. 

You can also use some social media analytics tools like HubSpot, Google Analytics, or others to get more information about your audience. Some social media platforms have a built-in analytics tool that provides insights into your current audience, for example, Twitter Analytics provides insights into your current followers’ gender, locations, interests, etc.


4) Create and post relevant content

I will first ask you to put an end to posting personal life posts in your business account which you have created for becoming an influencer. Please don’t mix them, it doesn’t look professional. You should keep your business account feed all about your chosen niche, which means that a beauty influencer might post daily skin-care posts, videos of beauty spas visits, product reviews, even brand promotions/offers, or others.

You should post relevant and useful content that will engage your audience. There are chances to get more people influenced by your posts by sharing your opinions and recommendations.

The meaning of Influence lies in its word itself.  Influence is equal to, actually listening to someone whom they trust a lot. You need to stick to this and act accordingly at every step. Try various types of content and understand which ones your audience likes the most.


5) Be regular and consistent

You need to commit yourself to create, finalize and post your content on a fixed schedule. The regularly posting accounts are given priority by the social media algorithm.

Out of all the social media, Instagram’s algorithm is particular about what we just discussed now, for increased visibility it requires regular posting which can be daily, weekly, or at any fixed frequency (days and time) that you are comfortable depending on the social media platform you choose. 

As we said earlier, being an influencer isn’t that easy. You need to do some research on your own. Check out the Sprout Social chart which shows Global Instagram Engagement hotspots, here you can see the highest engagement rates can be seen between 11:00 – 12:00 from Monday to Friday and Tuesday is the best day to post for most platforms between 11:00 – 14:00. By doing more research you will understand the best times to post for your chosen social media platform and create your schedule accordingly.


6) Engage with your audience

When we post on social media we get likes and comments on our posts. Normally we don’t reply to every comment but for an influencer, it is important to connect with their followers, therefore you must reply to every comment or question your followers ask you.

Agree! sometimes not each comment needs a reply or an answer, maybe you have already answered that previously. But, you can show your gratitude by simply giving a “like” to your follower’s comment. 

To engage with your audience you can also have Q&A stories, Poll stories or simply start a conversation respective to your niche by going LIVE once a month. Interactions like these help build personal connections with your audience and stronger your position as an influencer.

This is the right way to grow and get famous as an influencer. Please don’t rely on the tools which help you get fake followers and buy likes, views, or comments. Even if it sounds interesting, this will only be virtual growth without the quality and engagement of the audience.

There are many tools and influencer platforms that detect fake accounts. When brands try to find influencers through Influencer platforms they have access to all the profiles data, which also includes which are fake accounts and how many fake followers does a particular profile has. If the brands notice your profile under such circumstances it will make a negative impact on your reputation and these brands will not collaborate with you.


7) Earn money as an Influencer

The final step to becoming an influencer is to stand up and declare yourself as an influencer, let the brands know that you are open for collaborations using the following ways.

  • Update profile: You can update your bio/ about section that you are an influencer interested in collaborations. Mention your email id in bio by giving them an easy way to connect with you.

  • Reach Brands: You can try to connect with the brands and send them a personalized mail with a pitch on what you can offer. It can help you reach different brands and save a lot of time.

Register at Influencer platforms: For convenience, brands mostly use Influencer Marketing Platforms when they want to collaborate with one or more influencers. You can register on these platforms and the brands with the same interest will contact you for collaborations. You can also use these platforms to find brands in your niche who are looking for collaborations. You can receive products for free and/or be remunerated. You can also do affiliation, which means that you receive a commission over sales.


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